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Chapter 5: The Devī’s Conversation with the Messenger

OṀ klīm ṛṣir uvāca

5.1 OṀ klīm. The seer said:


purā śumbhanisumbhābhyām asurābhyāṁ śacīpateḥ
trailokyaṁ yajñabhāgāś ca hṛtā madabalāśrayāt

5.2 “Long ago, grown arrogant with power, the asuras Śumbha and Niśumbha seized Indra’s sovereignty over the three worlds and his share of the sacrifices.


tāv eva sūryatām tadvad adhikāraṁ tathaindavam
kauberam atha yāmyarṁ ca cakrāte varuṇasya ca

5.3 In like manner they usurped the authority of the sun and the moon, and that of Kubera, Yama, and Varuṇa—the lords of wealth, death, and the ocean.


tāv eva pavanarddhiṁ ca cakratur vahnikarma ca
tato devā vinirdhūtā bhraṣṭarājyāḥ parājitāḥ

5.4 They seized the wind god’s power and Agni’s functions. The gods were defeated, deposed, and driven out.


hṛtādhikārās tridaśās tābhyāṁ sarve nirākṛtāḥ
mahāsurābhyāṁ tāṁ Devīṁ saṁsmaranty Aparājitāṁ

5.5 Stripped of their powers and cast out by those two great asuras, all the gods remembered The Invincible Devī.


tayāsmākaṁ varo datto yathāpatsu smṛtākhilāḥ
bhavatāṁ nāśayiṣyāmi tatkṣaṇāt paramāpadaḥ

5.6 ‘She granted us a boon, saying, “Whenever you remember Me in times of distress, from that very moment I Will put an End to all your worst calamities.’”


iti kṛtvā matiṁ devā himavantaṁ nageśvaram
jagmus tatra tato Devīm viṣṇumāyām pratuṣṭuvuḥ

5.7 With that in mind, the gods went to Himālaya, the lord of mountains, and there praised The Devī, Who is Viṣṇumāyā.


Devā ūcuḥ

5.8 The gods said:


namo Devyai MahāDevyai Śivāyai satataṁ namaḥ
namaḥ prakṛtyai bhadrāyai niyatāḥ praṇatāḥ sma tām

5.9 ‘Salutation to The Devī, to The Great Devī. Salutation always to Her Who Is Auspicious. Salutation to Her Who Is The Primordial Cause, to Her Who Is Gracious. With minds intent, we bow down to Her.


raudrāyai namo nityāyai Gauryai dhātryai namo namaḥ
jyotsnāyai cendurūpiṇyai sukhāyai satataṁ namaḥ

5.10 Salutation to Her Who Is Terrible. To Gaurī, The Eternal, Shining One; to Her Who Sustains the universe, salutations again and again. Salutation always to Her Who Is Moonlight, Who Has The Form of the Moon and Is Blissful.


kalyāṇyai praṇatā vṛddhyai siddhyai kurmo namo namaḥ
nairṛtyai bhūbhṛtām lakṣmyai śarvāṇyai te namo namaḥ

5.11 We bow to Her Who Is Auspicious Beauty. We make salutations again and again to Her Who Is Prosperity and Attainment. Salutations again and again to Her Who Is The Fortune and Misfortune of kings, to Śarvāṇī, The Consort of Śiva.


Durgāyai Durgapārāyai sārāyai sarvakāriṇyai
khyātyai tathaiva kṛṣṇāyai dhūmrāyai satatam namaḥ

5.12 Salutation always to Durgā, Who Takes us through difficulties, Who Is The Creator and Indwelling Essence of all, Who Is Right Knowledge, and Who also Appears Dark As Smoke.


atisaumyātiraudrāyai natās taṣyai namo namaḥ
namo jagatpratiṣṭhāyai Devyai Kṛtyai namo namaḥ

5.13 We bow down to Her Who is at once Most Gentle and Most Fierce. Salutations to Her again and again. Salutation to The Support of the world. To The Devī, Who Is Creative Action, salutations again and again.


yā Devī Sarvabhūteṣu Viṣṇumāyeti Śabditā
namas tasyai namas tasyai namas tasyai namo namaḥ

5.14-16 To the Devī, Who in all beings is called Viṣṇumāyā, salutation to Her, salutation to Her, salutation to Her again and again.


yā Devī sarvabhūteṣu Cetanety Abhidhīyate
namas tasyai namas tasyai namas tasyai namo namaḥ

5.17-19 To The Devī, Who in all beings is seen as Consciousness, salutation to Her, salutation to Her, salutation to Her again and again.


yā Devī Sarvabhūteṣu Buddhirūpeṇa Saṁsthitā
namas tasyai namas tasyai namas tasyai namo namaḥ

5.20-22 To the Devī, Who Abides in all beings in the form of Intelligence, salutation to Her, salutation to Her, salutation to Her again and again.


yā Devi Sarvabhūteṣu Nidrārūpeṇa Saṁsthitā
namas tasyai namas tasyai namas tasyai namo namaḥ

5.23-25 To The Devī, Who Abides in all beings in the form of sleep, salutation to Her, salutation to Her, salutation to Her again and again.


yā Devī Sarvabhūteṣu Kṣudhārūpeṇa Saṁsthitā
namas tasyai namas tasyai namas tasyai namo namaḥ

5.26-28 To The Devī, Who Abides in all beings in the form of Hunger, salutation to Her, salutation to Her, salutation to Her again and again.


yā Devī Sarvabhūteṣu Chāyārūpeṇa Saṁsthitā
namas tasyai namas tasyai namas tasyai namo namaḥ

5.29-31 To The Devī, Who Abides in all beings in the form of Shadow, salutation to Her, salutation to Her, salutation to Her again and again.


yā Devī Sarvabhūteṣu Śaktirūpeṇa Saṁsthitā
namas tasyai namas tasyai namas tasyai namo namaḥ

5.32-34 To The Devī, Who Abides in all beings in the form of Power, salutation to Her, salutation to Her, salutation to Her again and again.


yā Devi Sarvabhūteṣu tṛṣṇārūpeṇa Saṁsthitā
namas tasyai namas tasyai namas tasyai namo namaḥ

5.35.37 To The Devī, Who Abides in all beings in the form of Thirst, salutation to Her, salutation to Her, salutation to Her again and again.


yā Devi Sarvabhūteṣu Kṣāntirūpeṇa Saṁsthitā
namas tasyai namas tasyai namas tasyai namo namaḥ

5.38–40 To The Devī, Who Abides in all beings in the form of Forgiveness, salutation to Her, salutation to Her, salutation to Her again and again.


yā Devī Sarvabhūteṣu Jātirūpeṇa Saṁsthitā
namas tasyai namas tasyai namas tasyai namo namaḥ

5.41–43 To The Devī, Who Abides in all beings in the form of Order, salutation to Her, salutation to Her, salutation to Her again and again.


yā Devī Sarvabhūteṣu Lajjārūpeṇa Saṁsthitā
namas tasyai namas tasyai namas tasyai namo namaḥ

5.44–46 To The Devī, Who Abides in all beings in the form of Modesty, salutation to Her, salutation to Her, salutation to Her again and again.


yā Devī Sarvabhūteṣu Śāntirūpeṇa Saṁsthitā
namas tasyai namas tasyai namas tasyai namo namaḥ

5.47–49 To The Devī, Who Abides in all beings in the form of Peace, salutation to Her, salutation to Her, salutation to Her again and again.


yā Devi Sarvabhūteṣu Śraddhārūpeṇa Saṁsthitā
namas tasyai namas tasyai namas tasyai namo namaḥ

5.50–52 To The Devī, Who abides in all beings in the form of Faith, salutation to Her, salutation to Her, salutation to Her again and again.


yā Devī Sarvabhūteṣu Kāntirūpeṇa Saṁsthitā
namas tasyai namas tasyai namas tasyai namo namaḥ

5.53–55 To The Devī, Who Abides in all beings in the form of Loveliness, salutation to Her, salutation to Her, salutation to Her again and again.


yā Devi Sarvabhūteṣu Lakṣmīrūpeṇa Saṁsthitā
namas tasyai namas tasyai namas tasyai namo namaḥ

5.56–58 To The Devī, Who Abides in all beings in the form of Good Fortune, salutation to Her, salutation to Her, salutation to Her again and again.


yā Devī Sarvabhūteṣu Vṛttirūpeṇa Saṁsthitā
namas tasyai namas tasyai namas tasyai namo namaḥ

5.59–61 To The Devī, Who Abides in all beings in the form of Activity, salutation to Her, salutation to Her, salutation to Her again and again.


yā Devī Sarvabhūteṣu Smṛtirūpeṇa Saṁsthitā
namas tasyai namas tasyai namas tasyai namo namaḥ

5.62–64 To The Devī, Who abides in all beings in the form of Memory, salutation to Her, salutation to Her, salutation to Her again and again.


yā Devi Sarvabhūteṣu Dayārūpeṇa Saṁsthitā
namas tasyai namas tasyai namas tasyai namo namaḥ

5.65–67 To The Devī, Who Abides in all beings in the form of Compassion, salutation to Her, salutation to Her, salutation to Her again and again.


yā Devī Sarvabhūteṣu Tuṣṭirūpeṇa Saṁsthitā
namas tasyai namas tasyai namas tasyai namo namaḥ

5.68–70 To The Devī, Who Abides in all beings in the form of Contentment, salutation to Her, salutation to Her, salutation to Her again and again.


yā Devī Sarvabhūteṣu Mātṛrūpeṇa Saṁsthitā
namas tasyai namas tasyai namas tasyai namo namaḥ

5.71–73 To The Devī, Who Abides in all beings in the form of Mother, salutation to Her, salutation to Her, salutation to Her again and again.


yā Devī Sarvabhūteṣu Bhrāntirūpeṇa Saṁsthitā
namas tasyai namas tasyai namas tasyai namo namaḥ

5.74–76 To The Devī, Who Abides in all beings in the form of Error, salutation to Her, salutation to Her, salutation to Her again and again.


Indriyāṇāṁ Adhiṣṭhātrī Bhūtānāṁ Cākhileṣu yā
Bhūteṣu Satataṁ Tasyai vyāptidevyai namo namaḥ

5.77 To Her Who Presides over the elements and the senses, and Is Ever Present in all beings, to The All-Pervading Devī, salutations again and again.


Citirūpeṇa yā kṛtsnam etad vyāpya Sthitā jagat
namas tasyai namas tasyai namas tasyai namo namaḥ

5.78–80 To Her Who Pervades this entire world and Abides in the form of Consciousness, salutation to Her, salutation to Her, salutation to Her again and again.


stutā suraiḥ pūrvam abhīṣṭasaṁśrayāt tathā surendreṇa dineṣu sevitā
karotu sā naḥ śubhahetur Īśvarī śubhāni bhadrāṇy abhihantu cāpadaḥ

5.81 Praised long ago by the gods for Fulfilling their desires and likewise honored daily by the lord of the gods, may Īśvarī, The Source of all good, Create happiness and prosperity for us, and may She Destroy our misfortunes.


yā sāmprataṁ coddhatadaityatāpitair asmābhir īsā ca surair namasyate
yā ca smṛtā tat kṣaṇam eva hanti naḥ sarvāpado bhaktivinamramūrtibhiḥ

5.82 Tormented by arrogant daityas, we gods now honor Her, The Supreme Power. With bodies bowed down in devotion, at this moment we remember Her Who Destroys all afflictions.’”

ṛṣir uvāca

5.83 The seer said:


evaṁ stavādiyuktānāṁ devānāṁ tatra Pārvatī
snātum abhyāyayau toye jāhnavyā nṛpanandana

5.84 “O king, while the gods were thus engaged in praise and adoration, Pārvatī Came to Bathe in the waters of the Gaṇgā.


sābravīt tān surān subhrūr bhavadbhiḥ stūyate ’tra kā
śarīrakośataś cāsyāḥ samudbhūtā ’bravīc chivā

5.85 She Who is Fair of Countenance asked the gods, ‘Whom are you praising?’ From Her Own Body An Auspicious Form Emerged and Replied:


stotraṁ Mamaitat kriyate śumbhadaityanirākṛtaiḥ
Devaiḥ sametaiḥ samare niśumbhena parājitaiḥ

5.86 ‘This hymn is an appeal to Me by those whom the daitya aumbha cast out, by the assembled gods whom niśumbha defeated in battle.’


Śarīrakośād yat tasyāḥ Pārvatyā NiḥsṛtĀmbikā
Kauśikīti Samasteṣu tato lokeṣu gīyate

5.87 And since Ambikā Came Forth from Pārvatī’s Bodily Form, She Is Glorified in all the worlds as Kauśikī.


tasyāṁ vinirgatāyāṁ tu kṛṣṇābhūt sāpi Pārvatī
Kāliketi samākhyātā himācalakṛtāśrayā

5.88 Thereupon, Pārvatī Became Black. Thus known as Kālīkā, She Makes Her abode in the Himālayas.


tato ’Mbikāṁ Paraṁ Rūpaṁ Bibhrāṇāṁ sumanoharam
dadarśa caṇḍo muṇḍaś ca bhṛtyau śumbhaniśumbhayoḥ

5.89 Then caṇḍa and muṇḍa, two servants of sumbha and niśumbha, beheld Ambikā’s Captivating Beauty.


tābhyāṁ śumbhāya cākhyātā sātīva sumanoharā kāpyāste Strī mahārāja bhāsayantī himācalam

5.90 And they told sumbha, ‘O great king, an Unknown Woman, Surpassingly Beautiful, Dwells Illuminating the Himālayas.


naiva tādṛk kvacid Rūpaṁ Dṛṣṭaṁ kenacid Uttamam
jñāyatāṁ kāpy asau Devī gṛhyatāṁ cāsureśvara

5.91 Nowhere has anyone ever seen Such Supreme Beauty. May you learn Who that Goddess is and take possession of Her, O lord of asuras!


Stnīratnam Aticārvaṅgī dyotayantī diśas tviṣā
sā tu tiṣṭhati daityendra tāṁ bhavān draṣṭum arhati

5.92 She Abides there, a Jewel among Women, Fairest of limb, Casting Her Radiance in all directions. O chief of daityas, surely you must behold Her!


yāni ratnāni maṇayo gajāśvādīni vai prabho
trailokye tu samastāni sāmprataṁ bhānti te gṛhe

5.93 Master, whatever gems and jewels, elephants, horses, and other riches exist in the three worlds, all those now enhance your dwelling.


airāvataḥ samānīto gajaratnaṁ purandarāt
pārijātataruś cāyaṁ tathaivoccaiḥśravā hayaḥ

5.94 From Indra you have taken Airāvata, the jewel among elephants, and also The Celestial Coral Tree and the horse Uccaiḥśravas.


vimānaṁ haṁsasaṁyuktam etat tiṣṭhati te ’ṅgaṇe
ratnabhūtam ihānītaṁ yadāsīd vedhaso ’dbhutam

5.95 Taken from Brahmā, this wondrous jewel among chariots, yoked with swans, stands here in your courtyard.


nidhir eṣa mahāpadmaḥ samānīto dhaneśvarāt
kiñjalkinīṁ dadau cābdhir mālām amlānapaṅkajām

5.96 Seized from Kubera, the lord of wealth, is his treasure. And the lord of the ocean has relinquished his garland of unfading lotuses.


chatraṁ te vāruṇaṁ gehe kāñcanasrāvi tiṣṭhati
tathā ’yaṁ syandanavaro yaḥ purāsīt prajāpateḥ

5.97 Varuṇa’s umbrella, which showers down gold, now stands in your house along with this best of chariots, which once was Prajāpati’s.


mṛtyor utkrāntidā nāma śaktir īśa tvayā hṛtā
pāśaḥ salilarājasya bhrātus tava parigrahe

5.98 Master, you have taken Yama’s spear, which grants departure from this life. Varuṇa’s noose is among your brother’s possessions.


niśumbhasyābdhijātāś ca samastā ratnajātayaḥ
vahniś cāpi dadau tubhyam agniśauce ca vāsasī

5.99 To niśumbha belong all manner of gems born of the sea. And to the two of you, Agni has given garments purified by his own fire.


evaṁ daityendra ratnāni samastany āhṛtāni te
Strīratnam eṣā kalyāṇi tvayā kasmān na gṛhyate

5.100 Thus, O chief of daityas, you have appropriated all things of value. Why then do you not seize this Jewel among Women for yourself?’”


ṛṣir uvāca

5.101 The seer said:


niśamyeti vacaḥ śumbhaḥ sa tadā caṇḍamuṇḍayoḥ
preṣayāmāsa sugrīvaṁ dūtaṁ Devyā mahāsuram

5.102 “On hearing these words of caṇḍa and muṇḍa, sumbha sent the great asura sugrīva as a messenger to The Devī.


iti ceti ca vaktavyā sā gatvā vacanān mama
yathā cābhyeti samprītyā tathā kāryaṁ tvayā laghu

5.103 Instructing him, he said: ‘Go to Her and speak such words on my behalf that She will be Delighted and will quickly come to me.’


sa tatra gatvā yatrāste śailoddeśe ’tiśobhane
sā Devī tāṁ tataḥ prāha ślakṣṇam madhurayā girā

5.104 sugrīva went there to the resplendent, craggy place where The Devī Dwelt and spoke honeyed words to Her in unctuous tones.


dūta uvāca

5.105 The messenger said:


Devi daityeśvaraḥ śumbhas trailokye parameśvaraḥ
duto ’haṁ preṣitas tena tvat sakāśam ihāgataḥ

5.106 ‘O Devī, in the three worlds sumbha, the lord of daityas, is the supreme sovereign. I am his messenger. I have come here to your presence, sent by him


avyāhatājñaḥ sarvāsu yaḥ sadā devayoniṣu
nirjitākhiladaityāriḥ sa yadāha śṛṇuṣva tat

5.107 who has conquered all the enemies of the daityas and whose command is never resisted in the dwellings of the gods. Hear what he says:


mama trailokyam akhilaṁ mama devā vaśānugāḥ
yajñabhāgān ahaṁ sarvān upāśnāmi pṛthak pṛthak

5.108 “all the three worlds are mine, and the gods submit to my will. I enjoy each one’s share of the sacrifices, every one of them.


trailokye vararatnāni mama vaśyāny aśeṣataḥ
tathaiva gajaratnaṁ ca hṛtaṁ devendravāhanam

5.109 Indeed I possess all the finest gems in the three worlds, and I have taken Airāvata, the jewel among elephants and Indra’s mount.


kṣīrodamathanodbhūtam aśvaratnaṁ mamāmaraiḥ
uccaiḥśravasasaṁmjñam tat praṇipatya samarpitam

5.110 The immortal gods, bowed down in reverence, offered me uccaihśravas, the jewel among horses, born from the churning of the milk ocean.


yāni cānyāni deveṣu gandharveṣūrageṣu ca
ratnabhūtāni bhūtāni tāni mayy eva śobhane

5.111 And whatever else is precious among the gods and celestial beings, all that is mine, O fair one.


strīratnabhūtām tvāṁ Devi loke manyāmahe vayam
sā tvam asmān upāgaccha yato ratnabhujo vayam

5.112 We think of you, O Goddess, as The Jewel among Women in the world, which indeed You Are. Come to us, for we take pleasure in all the finest things.


mām vā mamānujaṁ vāpi niśumbham uruvikramam
bhaja Tvam cañcalāpāṅgi Ratnabhūtāsi vai yataḥ

5.113 Choose either me or my valiant younger brother, niśumbha, for with Your Flashing Eyes You Are truly a Jewel.


paramaiśvaryam atulam prāpsyase matparigrahāt
etad buddhyā samālocya matparigrahatām vraja

5.114 By taking me you will obtain dominion beyond compare. With reasoning mind, consider this well and become my wife.’””


ṛṣir uvāca

5.115 The seer said:


ity uktā sā tadā Devī gambhīrāntaḥsmitā jagau
Durgā Bhagavatī Bhadrā yayedaṁ dhāryate jagat

5.116 “Thus addressed, The Devī Smiled inscrutably. The Blessed, Auspicious Durgā, Who Supports the universe, Spoke.


Devy Uvāca

5.117 The Devī Said:


satyam uktaṁ tvayā nātra mithyā kiñcit tvayoditam
trailokyādhipatiḥ śumbho niśumbhaś cāpi tādṛśaḥ

5.118 ‘You have spoken the truth; there is nothing false in what you have said. sumbha is the ruler of the three worlds, and so also is niśumbha.


kiṁ tvatra yat parijñātam mithyā tat kriyate katham
śrūyatām alpabuddhitvāt pratijñā yā kṛtā purā

5.119 But how can I `Go back on My Word? Hear of the vow I once Made out of foolishness:


yo Māṁ jayati saṅgrāme yo Me darpaṁ vyapohati
yo Me pratibaio loke sa Me bhartā bhaviṣyati

5.120 He alone Who conquers Me in battle, Who removes My pride, Who equals My strength in the world, will become My husband.


tadāgacchatu śumbho ’tra niśumbho vā mahāsuraḥ
māṁ jitvā kiṁ cireṇātra pāṇim gṛhṇātu me laghu

5.121 Therefore let sumbha or the great asura niśumbha come here. Why delay? having conquered Me, let him take My Hand in marriage.’


dūta uvāca

5.122 The messenger said:


avaliptāsi maivaṁ tvaṁ devi brūhi mamāgrataḥ
trailokye kaḥ pumāṁs tiṣṭhed agre śumbhaniśumbhayoḥ

5.123 ‘You are arrogant, O Devī. Speak not so in my presence. What man in the three worlds surpasses sumbha and niśumbha?


anyeṣām api daityānāṁ sarve devā na vai yudhi
tiṣṭhanti sammukhe Devi kim punaḥ Strī Tvam ekikā

5.124 Even against the other daityas, all the gods cannot stand face to face in battle, O Devī. How then Can You, Who Are one Woman alone?


indrādyāḥ sakalā devās tasthur yeṣām na saṁyuge
śumbhādīnāṁ kathaṁ teṣām Strī prayāsyasi sammukham

5.125 Indra and all the other gods could not resist sumbha and the other demons in battle. How Will You, A Woman, Go Forth and Confront them?


sā tvaṁ gaccha mayaivoktā pārśvaṁ śumbhaniśumbhayoḥ
keśākarṣaṇanirdhūtagauravā mā gamiṣyasi

5.126 As I have said, go to sumbha and niśumbha’s side. Suffer not the indignity of being dragged there by Your Hair.’


Devy Uvāca

5.127 The Devī Said:


evam etad balī śumbho niśumbhaś cātivīryavān
kiṁ karomi pratijñā Me Yad anālocitā purā

5.128 ‘So must it be. sumbha is mighty and niśumbha is exceedingly heroic, but what Can I do? My rash vow was made long ago.


sa tvaṁ gaccha Mayoktaṁ te yad etat sarvam ādṛtaḥ
tad ācakṣvāsurendrāya sa ca yuktaṁ karotu yat

5.129 Go back and tell the chief of asuras exactly what I Have Said. And let him do what is fitting.’”
