The Devi Shakti and human consciousness

The Goddess Multiplies Her Forces Calling Forth Seven Shaktis, Who Are Seven Aspects of human consciousness.

Thus, in The “Devi Mahatmya”, Ma Chandika and Maha Kali, The Twin Aspects of The Goddess, when Fighting the asuras, are joined by The Seven Shaktis of Brahma, Shiva, Kumara/Skanda, Vishnu, Indra, Varaha and Narasimha. There Issued Forth Mata Chandika’s Own Terrifying Shakti, Who Came to be Known as “Shivaduti” since Mata Shivaduti Sent Lord Shiva Himself as Her Messenger to the asura lords. Together The Nine Shaktis destroy the mighty asuras in no time.

Mata Shakti Symbolized As Aspect of human consciousness

Each Mata Shakti (Goddess) is said to Preside over a particular aspect of human consciousness and is linked to a graha (planet) in astrology. The Nine Mata Shaktis (Goddesses) have been linked with aspects of Consciousness as given below:

Goddess or Shakti Graha Aspect or Function of Consciousness
Chandika or Her Shakti ‘Shivaduti Sun Soul or Self
Maheshwari Moon Mind
Narasimhi Mars Will
Vaishnavi Mercury  
Brahmani Jupiter  
Aindri or Indrani Venus  
Kali or Chamunda Saturn  
Varahi Rahu  
Kaumari Ketu