Maa Tulsi

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The Divine Mother Who Manifests As The Most Sacred and Holy Plant

Maa Tulsi, Also Known As Maa Vrinda, Is The Divine Form Of

Maa Maha Lakshmi, Who Manifests As The Holy Maa Tulsi Plant (Holy Basil) On earth.

The Holy Maa Tulsi Plant Leaves Are A Recommended Offering In ritualistic worships. Traditionally, devotees planted The Holy Maa Tulsi Plant In the center of the central courtyard of their houses, In a special masonry structure known as “Tulsi Vrindavan”. Even today, devotees keep The Holy Maa Tulsi Plant In their homes. With daily worship, Maa Tulsi Brings happiness and prosperity In the house. The Holy Maa Tulsi Plant Has therapeutic properties And Treats common colds, coughs, and other ailments, And Strengthens the immune system of the body. Maa Tulsi Is Also Venerated As The Doorway To heaven. Therefore, worshipping Maa Tulsi leads devotees closer to spiritual liberation.