𝐌𝐚𝐚 𝐀𝐚𝐝𝐢 𝐏𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐒𝐡𝐚𝐤𝐭𝐢
Pervades all Her creation and all of Her creation abides In Her
“I Am The Sovereign In Whom all the auspicious gods are united. Shining with consciousness, I Am Foremost Among Those Worthy Of worship. The gods diffuse Me In every direction, My Presence Abiding In many places And Revealed In Manifold Ways.”
“Through Me Alone all mortals live who see and breathe and hear what is said, not knowing that they abide In Me. Hear Me As I Speak the truth to you.”
– The Devi Suktam, Verses 3 and 4, An Anga Of The “Devi Mahatmya”
Maa Aadi ParaShakti Is The All-Pervading Supreme Consciousness. All the gods are Expressions Of Maa Aadi ParaShakti. Maa Aadi ParaShakti Is The Source Of the embodied human experience that entails metabolic processes, movement, perception, cognition, and all other functions of human intelligence. Through righteous living and sincere sadhana, humans can become awakened to the supreme truth, which is that the entire creation and all its experiences abide In The Divine Mother.
learn more About The Divine Mother from www.DeviMahatmya.com
#MaaAadiParaShakti #MaaDurga #DivineMother #DeviMahatmya