Version 1 – translation, transliteration, explanation by Dr. R Harish

1. Aham rudrebhirvasubhishcharaaMyAham- aadithyairutha vishwadevaih
Aham mitraavarunobhaa bibharMyAhamindraagnii Ahamashvinobhaa

I Move About With the rudras and vasus, and Also with the aadityas And vishwadevas. I Hold In Me Both mitra and varuna, and Also indra, agni And the two ashwins.

Discussions: Here, The Goddess Vaak Impresses upon us that She Is The Controlling Power behind all the numerous gods who are associated with various facets and functions of this universe, and is thus The Supreme Goddess. Rudras are a group of 11 gods who are manifestations of Shiva. Adityas are 12 divinities – the sons of aditi. Vasus too are a class of deities – eight in number. Vishwadevas are a group of 10 deities, who are sons of Vishwaa.


2. Aham SomaMaahanasam BibharmyAham thvashtaaram utha puushanam bhagam
Aham dadhaami dravinam havishmathe supraavye yajamaanaaya sunvathe

I Sustain the pressed Soma Plant, the gods thvashtru (architect of the gods), puushan and bhaga. I Give wealth/power to the possessor of havis (oblation), to the mindful yajamaana (patron of the sacrifice) and to the person who performs the Soma sacrifice.

Discussions: Continuing along the same lines, The Goddess now Points out that She Is The Controller of Soma Juice (A Drink popular with the gods), and also of the gods thvashtru, puushan and bhaga. She Is also The One Who Bestows the fruits of yagna (fire ritual) to the various participants in the same.

3. Aham Raashtrii Sangamanii Vasuunaam Chikithushii Prathamaa Yagniyaanaam
thaam Maa devaah vi-adadhuh puruuthraa bhuuristhhaathraam bhuuri-aaveshayanthiim

I Am The ‘Queen’, The Gatherer of treasures, The Knower of the supreme, The First among those Worthy of Worship through yagna (fire ritual). That Me, the gods Spread in many directions, so that I Have many Abodes to Enter and Live In.

Discussions: The Atma Stuti (Self-Glorification) Continues. The Devi States that She Is The Supreme Ruler In Control of all material wealth, knowledge and wisdom. She Is The First among gods and Is Present in all things and In Every Part of the universe.


4. Mayaa so Annamaththi yo vipashtyathi yah praanithi Ya iim shrunyothyuktham
amanthavo Maam the upa kshiyanthi shrudhi shrutha shradhdhivam the vadaami

Because of Me Alone he eats food, by which he sees (perceives), breathes and hears what is said. Those who do not perceive Me, they too dwell near Me. Listen! Oh, the person capable of listening. I tell you what is trustworthy.

Discussions: The focus now shifts to addressing the humans directly. The Goddess Now Exhorts that people eat, see (perceive), breathe and hear only because of Her; and that even those who do not recognize Her, are Protected by Her. She Urges that what She Says is Trustworthy and that She be listened to.

 5. Ahameva svayamidam vadaami jushtam devebhirutha maanushebhih
yam kaamaye tham thamugram krunomi tham brahmaanam thamrishim tham sumedhaam

I Alone Myself Speak this – which is pleasing to both gods and men. Whoever I Wish, him I Make powerful, a brahma (i.e., Grant him brahmatva or Make him a knower of brahman), a rishi (sage) or a wise one (learned scholar).

Discussions: The Devi Continues Her address, this time including the gods along with humans. The Goddess States that She Would Bestow Her Grace on whomsoever She Wishes, by Granting them material or other benefits as they deserve. Brahma also means the supervisor or main priest at a yagna.

6. Aham Rudraaya dhanuraathanomi brahmadvishe sharave hanthavaa u
Aham Janaaya samadam krunomyaham dyaavaaprithhivii aa vivesha

I Bend the bow for Rudra for (aiming) the arrow for killing the hater of brahman. I Rouse and make battle for the people (i.e., fight for their welfare). I Have Pervaded heaven and earth.

Discussions: She Helps both the gods and humans in their endeavours. While She Helps Rudra in killing the hater of brahman, She Also Fights for the welfare of good people. She Permeates all – both heaven and earth. 

7. Aham Suve pitharamasya muurdhan Mama yonirapsvanthah samudre
thatho vithishte bhuvanaanu vishwothaamuum dyaam varshmanopa Sprushaami

I Bring Forth the father (i.e., creator) of the heavens above. My Womb (Origin or Genesis) Is In The Waters, in the deep (cosmic) ocean. From thereon I Pervade the entire world and the universe, and Touch the apex of the heaven With My Forehead.

Discussions: The Goddess Goes On To State that She Is The Progenitor of aakaasha (the heavenly skies), from which emerges all creation. She Is also The Origin of all creation and Pervades all creation.

8. Ahameva Vaatha-iva Pravaamyaarabhamaanaa bhuvanaani vishwaa
Paro Divaa Para Enaa pruthhivyaithaavathii mahinaa sambabhuuva

I Alone Blow Forth like the wind Giving Form to the worlds and the universe. I Am Beyond Heaven and Beyond This Earth; such is The Greatness that I Have Come To Possess.

Discussions: The Supreme Goddess Vaak Concludes With The Statement that She Controls the universe and Is Beyond the earth and heavens in Her Power And Glory.


 – transliteration, translation and discussion by Dr R Harish




Version 2 – from Wikipedia

1. I Proceed with the Rudras, with the Vasus, with the Ādityas and the Viśhvadevas; I Support both Mitra and Varuṇa, Agni and Iñdraand the two Aśvins.[4]


2. I Support the foe-destroying Tvaśtṛ, Pūśan and Bhaga; I Bestow wealth upon the institutor of the rite offering the oblation (havis) – (who is) pouring forth the libation and deserving of careful protection. [5]


3. I Am The Sovereign Queen (of all Existence), The Collectress of treasures, cognizant of (The Supreme Being), The Chief Object of worship; as such, the gods have put Me in many places, abiding in manifold conditions, entering into numerous (forms).[6]


4. He who eats food (eats) Through Me; he who sees, who breathes, who hears what is spoken, does so Through Me; those who are ignorant of Me, perish; hearken who is capable of hearing, I Tell you that which is deserving of belief. [7]


5. I Verily Myself Declare this which is approved of by both gods and men; whomsoever I Choose, I Render him an exalted one, make him a ṛṣi, make him Brahman or make him highly intelligent. [8]


6. I Bend the bow (to Fasten the bow string at its ends) for Rudra, to slay the tormenting, Brahman-hating enemy. I Wage war against (hostile) men (to protect the praying ones); I Have Pervaded the Heaven and earth. [9]


7. I Bring Forth the paternal (heaven – abode of the manes) upon the crown (brows) of (this Supreme Being); My Genesis is from the waters (cosmic – the all pervading entity); from $thence, I Pervade through all beings and Reach this heaven With My Body. [10]


8. I Verily Myself Breathe Forth like the wind, Issuing Out Form to all the created worlds; beyond the heaven, beyond the world (I Exist Eternally – beyond space & time) – So Vast Am I In My Greatness. [11]



Version 3 – By Devdatta Kali

  1. OṀ. I Move through The Gods of storm and light, through The Gods of the heavens, through all The Gods. I Uphold the Lords of day and night, The Sovereign of the atmosphere, The God of fire, and the benevolent celestial guardians.
  2. I Bear the nectar of immortality. I Support The Creator of living beings, The Protector of the universe, and The Gracious Lord of prosperity. I Bestow wealth on those who prepare the sacrifices and offer the oblations with an attentive mind.
  3. I Am The Sovereign In Whom all the auspicious Gods are United. Shining with consciousness, I Am Foremost among those Worthy Of Worship. The Gods Diffuse Me in every direction, My Presence Abiding in many places and Revealed in Manifold Ways.
  4. Through Me Alone all mortals live who see and breathe and hear what is said, not knowing that they Abide In Me. Hear Me As I Speak the truth to you.
  5. I Myself Proclaim This, which is pleasing to gods and men alike: I Make Mighty whomever I Wish, I Make him Devout And Open his eyes to right understanding.
  6. For the God who puts evil to flight, I Draw the bow, that his arrow may Strike Down the hater of devotion; such is the Fervor I Stir within that man. Through heaven and earth I Extend.
  7. At the summit of Creation, I bring forth the heavens. My Creative Power Flows From amid the waters of the infinite ocean. Thence I Spread Through all the worlds and Touch yonder heaven with My Vastness.
  8. I Breathe Forth like the wind, Setting All the worlds In Motion. So Great Have I Become In My Splendor, Shining far beyond heaven and earth.