Maa Maha Sarasvati

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Maa Maha Sarasvati Mantra for Wisdom:

Paavakaa Nah Sarasvatii Vaajebhir-Vaajiniivatii

Yajnyam Vassttu Dhiyaavasuh

||Rig Veda, 1.3.10||

“O Maa Maha Sarasvati, You Are The Purifier of our intellect, And Your Strength Of Wisdom Grows in us with inner and outer Sacrificial Offerings. May our offering in Yagnya strengthen Your Divine Presence In our hearts and make us rich in wisdom.”

Maa Maha Sarasvati Symbolizes Purity, Knowledge and Luminosity.

The Holy Name Of Maa Maha Sarasvati Means “Abundantly Flowing”. Venerated As The Deified Maa Sarasvati River, Which Originates In The Celestial Realm, Maa Maha Sarasvati Also Symbolizes The Flow of thought into the great, shining sea of consciousness.

May Maa Maha Sarasvati Bless us With purity of thought And enhanced consciousness.